Preview Builds

It is possible to access preview versions of the framework.
These are automatically generated when pushing into develop branch and published into the GitLab Package Registry.

Using PowerMVVM preview NuGet feed

Add the following NuGet feed to your Project:

Please make sure to enable Preview Versions for nugets in youd IDE.


For detailed usage of GitLab's NuGet package registry please refer to the GitLab Docs[(]

Add feed via dotnet CLI

Run the following command in your terminal for your project:

nuget source Add -Name "pMVVM-preview" -Source ""

Add feed via nuget.config

To use the package registry as a source for .NET create or adjust the file named nuget.config in the root of your project.
Add or adapt it to provide the preview package source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <clear />
     <add key="pMVVM-preview" value="" />